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Have you looked at every property on the MLS?

Investors and real estate agents know the inventory on the market.

We send deals before they hit the MLS!

First time investors… It takes 1 house to get started. 

Are you looking for financial freedom? 

The properties we find all qualify for positive cash flow with minimal upfront investment.  A simple example would be purchase @60K, reno @10-30K, possible immediate sell @100K, or rent for cash flow.

Team Approach

Let’s discuss the best options.

We help invest with confidence after detailed evaluation using conservative figures.  Extensive marketing and networking brings in great opportunities.  We research the best market areas and put together a great team in nice locations.  Depending on your needs, our teams can consist of finance, contractors, consultants, legal, and management.  We are also proud members of the South Jersey Real Estate Investors Association.

Quality and Craftsmanship

Rest Assured In Our Services

“It’s all in the buy.”  Due to our great discounts, we leave plenty of room for quality renovation. Our goal is to buy nice houses in nice neighborhoods, use quality materials, install with craftsmanship and make our houses stand out for rent or re-sale.